typography category

Somehow, We All Seem Connected: Steven Harrington & Justin Krietemeyer

This was a great show. National Forest’s Steven Harrington and Justin Krietemeyer collaborated on this two-man exhibition which premiered at Studio Number One. It was the perfect space for this show. When we walked in the door we were greeted by a giant cheerful teepee of Steve’s as well as a roll of his limited edition print fabric, draped from the ceiling down to the turntable set up where Shepard Fairey was spinning, followed later by Kristian Henson and others. The event was sponsored by Dewars, so there were no shortage of wonderful whiskey drinks (complete with British bartender). One couldn’t help but notice that there were strong Native American themes in Steven’s work (complete with handmade teepees, drums, tambourines, and shakers). Perhaps not coincidentally, there were also the same themes echoed in the dress of several fellow patrons. This year is definitely going to see a huge trend of Native American prints in clothing and textiles, much more so than last year, I suspect. I was really hoping that Steve would sell the yardage below (I’ll make my own pillow, thank you very much!) It was a beautiful show… filled with beautiful hipsters and delicious drinks. I hope that the fellows sold a good bit of their work, as it all looked great.

fabric, national forest, art, steven harrington, somehow we all seem connected

national forest, art, justin krietemeyer, somehow we all seem connected

teepees, national forest, art, steven harrington, somehow we all seem connected

Photos by Seth

Simpleasures show

Yesterday we went to a zine show put on by Studio Number One. The show was like APE but with 1/4 the people showing (cutting out the folks who strictly draw lifelike renderings of naked ladies on dragons)… anyway we didn’t go with a lot of cash, so this is what we came away with. Mostly zines from Sumi Ink Club, and one from Forest. Overall a good show, albeit small.


Etsy find: Nathan Veach

ASCII art– images formed from letters and smbols from typwriters or computers… if that is unfamiliar to you, you may have had your eyes closed for the past 50-or-so years.   I just found Nathan Veach’s Etsy shop, and was pleased to discover that he will create custom ASCII portraits for you the old school way- with a typewriter!  Very reasonably priced too.


(also loving his Gocco animal cards, by the way)

Alexander Ver Huell

I love these phantasmagorical images by Ver Huell featured on BiblioOdyssey.



Steven Serrato


Just wanted to wish our very talented friend Steven Serrato the best of luck. He’s interviewing in the   Netherlands just been accepted to the prestigious Werkplaats School of Typography! Even though we don’t want him to leave, we wish him good luck, and a fun time!  Congratulations!!!

Hey Steven… UPDATE YOUR SITE, MAN! Version 2.o has been coming for how long…?!


Tauba Auerbach

I love Tauba Auerbach’s work.  Just came across the semaphore alphabet that she illustrated, and I love it!  See below in two parts.  It also reminded me of this Monty Python sketch which I love… 🙂



Etsy find: Complete Book of Needlepoint

A singular find: Complete Book of Needlepoint by Carolyn Ambuter. I just want to make something with these letters!


Pixel it

Nice idea from Jessica Nebel.
(via Type For You)



Etsy find: Vintage laundry labels

I’m sort of obsessed with this kind of thing… Etsy seller Alpenhimmel found these N.O.S. (new old stock) monogrammed laundry labels at a flea market in the Alps. I’m so jealous. They are a good deal so you should snatch them up.



Wire name jewelry

The appropriately titled Wire Name Jewlery site is awesome (my personal favourite is the one for “Bubble Butt”). This technique has been around for ages, and it’s still timeless. Makes me wish I had a great nickname. Found via Stork Bites Man.

