fashion category

Oh Snap! How to get shot by The Sartorialist

This was too hilarious not to re-post.  Fake info-graphics are so fun sometimes.  I love Scott Schuman as much as the next jealous hipster, but this is so spot-on.  Kudos to Refinery 29 for this awesomeness.


Sunshine & Shadow: Spring 2010

It seems that just about every blogger out there loves Sunshine & Shadow…  I am no exception.  Though I’m not about to race out and rock socks with wedges, I absolutely love the Spring collection, including the necklaces (which remind me a lot of Manu).

sunshine and shadow, clothing, spring 2010, fashion, thelooksee

sunshine and shadow, clothing, spring 2010, fashion, thelooksee

sunshine and shadow, clothing, spring 2010, fashion, thelooksee

sunshine and shadow, clothing, spring 2010, fashion, thelooksee

New jewelry in the shop

I just added some necklaces like this to ye olde shoppe

necklace, pendant, jade, arrowhead, native american style, spike, thelooksee

Some fun gifty things

This is a small collection of things that would make cool presents- some are limited edition, some are vintage.  I’ve also included a photo of my triangle necklaces because I do still have more of the vintage triangles left.  Sorry this is late in coming… I’m not too great with the whole gift guide thing, but here goes!









1. Bookhou tea cosie 2. The Looksee triangle necklace  3. A Detacher snake belt  4. Space Jam vintage carved wooden set  5. Efinegifts vintage ornament  6. Renilde DePeuter chair cushion 7. Future Perfect totem cups 8. Grounded hanging terrarium


This badass-yet-feminine slashed up dress by Anne Sophie Back is so awesome.  Love these I.D. Tuttle boots too.  Both at Stand Up Comedy.

anne sophie back, slashed, dress, design, fashion, thelooksee

l  dtuttle, drifter, boot, fashion, accessories, shoes, thelooksee

Osborn Design Studio

LOVE these unisex fair-trade shoes designed by Osborn Design Studio, and made in Guatemala City.  I can’t believe I haven’t seen these until today.  These floral booties on top are my personal faves. Check out their site for more awesome fabrics.

osborn, shoes, fair trade, oxfords, booties, fashion, thelooksee

osborn, shoes, fair trade, oxfords, booties, fashion, thelooksee

osborn, shoes, fair trade, oxfords, booties, fashion, thelooksee

New used oxfords

Just found these yesterday at a local thrift store- I’m oxford crazy, I tell you!  I was charmed by the burgundy suede.

vintage, finds, thrifted, suede, shoes, oxford, thelooksee

They are called “Aqua Skips” – suede, yet supposedly also waterproof?!  I will put this to the test.

Etsy pick: Pidge Pidge scarves

There really is something so awesome about hand-loomed scarves and blankets.

pidge pidge, scarf, handmade, etsy, loomed, thelooksee

pidge pidge, scarf, handmade, etsy, loomed, thelooksee

pidge pidge, scarf, handmade, etsy, loomed, thelooksee

Recent Purchase: House of Harlow ring

house of harlow, ring, enamel, jewelry, the look see

I bought this at Revolve after a week or two of thinking about it, with a discount code found here.  Totally awesome.  I’d just like to say say that not all celebrity clothing/accessory lines are overrated- they key is pairing up with people who know what they’re doing.

Etsy picks: Studded mocs and booties

I love these slip-ons (though I wish they didn’t have a driving sole)!  The booties are awesome too. You can even send Alyssa your own brand new boots and have them customized with the design of your choice.

studs, moccasins, two string jane, booties, shoes, etsy, punk, thelooksee

studs, moccasins, two string jane, booties, shoes, etsy, punk, thelooksee