etsy category

Etsy find: MayLuk

So you may remember a while back I posted about Whitney’s custom silhouette pendants.  Today I found this shop, which does the same thing, only this time with ceramic bowls.



Etsy find: Hey Peanut

This shop carries some of the cutest little booties and toys I’ve seen- all handmade, some with vintage materials…




Etsy find: Whitney Smith

Ah, ’tis that time of year… the time of year that everyone gets married! I had found Whitney Smith’s ceramics a while back, but was reminded of her work again. She makes these lovely cake stands, which are very reminiscent of the Arts & Crafts movement- shoot, I know that they would have been perfect for my wedding cake!



Etsy & Flickr find: Drew Anderson

Here’s another artist I found on Etsy who also has work up on Flickr.  His old found-photo drawings are especially interesting, and are what drew me to look at his work.



Etsy find: Vollen Bench by Chadhaus

I love this beautiful Vollen Bench in walnut by Chadhaus, featured in the Piano Nobile Etsy shop.  It’s handmade in Seattle from Oregon Walnut (or Eastern Maple).  Too bad I have neither the money nor the room for it!


Flickr & Etsy find: Violet Julia

Today is the day of photography!  I found Violet Julia’s Etsy shop first, which led me to her Flickr portfolio.  Some lovely photos, many of which are polaroids or Holga photos.  Very serene nature photography. Some prints available in her Etsy shop.



Etsy find: Brevity

I really love these acrylic neclaces from Etsy seller, Brevity.



Etsy find: Alphabets shop

I like these two original drawings from Etsy seller, Alphabets.



Etsy find: Scott Bergman Wooden Cradle

This is such an amazing and simple little handmade cradle. Could very easily be passed down from generation to generation.


Etsy find: Lauren Nassef

I found Nassef’s site a while back, where I found these great blocks that she made with some other folks.
Then today, I came across her Etsy shop. She is selling beautiful original pieces for around $100 which is a really great price.
