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Bungalow Sofa

So this is the sofa we bought from Urban Outfitters about a year ago-it’s a little squeaky, and not the most comfortable for extended sitting, but it’s been fine.  It looked better than the designs at Ikea, and was a comparable price.

However,  I just saw this one while hunting around on the U.O. site, which is almost an exact knock off of the vintage Danish Modern style ones that we really love- and it matches the style of the Danish Modern chair my husband picked up at a swapmeet for $20.  C’est la vie.  Someday maybe we’ll find an authentic one at another swapmeet for a song… haha probably not here in LA though!

urban outfitters, bungalow sofa, furniture, the looksee

urban outfitters, bungalow sofa, furniture, the looksee

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