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design category

The coolest little backpack

baby elephant bag, kids, accessories, backpack

In this great shop.
(via here)



(via ways)

Les Diners de Gala by Salvador Dalí 1973

The cover of Salvador Dalí’s 1973 cookbook.

salvador dali, cookbook, surrealist, art, cooking, the looksee

(via here)

An Attempt at Metalsmithing

I decided to take a month long introductory course in metalsmithing over the latter part of the summer to see how I liked it, and to expand my jewelery-making skills.  He’s a little janky (I barely had enough time to solder his head and tail to his body, and didn’t get to polish the over-solder off), but here he is.  I spent most of the class sawing, and then filing because I am terrible at sawing.  I also found that I am not good at precision hammering, so there are a lot of double strike marks, but whatevs… at least I made it! Just wanted to share my first project with you.

bangle, snake, cuff, handmade

bangle, snake, cuff, handmade

bangle, snake, cuff, handmade

The silver parts you can see on the brass body and copper head are from where the solder spilled on to the piece, and it is the devil to polish off.

Grimes (Claire Boucher) in T Magazine

grimes, claire boucher, t magazine, times magazine, Celine, fashion, music, the looksee, the looksy

Photograph by Jamie Hawkesworth. Styled by Benjamin Bruno

Article here.

The Fundamental Group

the fundamental group, design, geometry, architecture, furniture

The Fundamental Group

(original post here)

The Look See Shop Update 7

Check out some goodies that are in the shop right now!

Treat yo’self!  That’s all I have to say.

jewelry, the look see, etsy, handmade, glass, metals, cord,  leather, vintage, los angeles

jewelry, the look see, etsy, handmade, glass, metals, cord,  leather, vintage

By the way, you can also find more of my jewelry at Lady in Eagle Rock if you live in Los Angeles.

Rudi Gernreich Moon Scarf

rudi gernreich, scarf, silk, textiles, accessories, moon, modern, phases

Vintage moon scarf by Rudi Gernreich
in the NorthStar Vintage Shop

Tree House

cabin, woods, tree house, vintage, photo

I want to be here right now.
(via here)

Low: Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me (cover)

My love for both Low, and The Smiths is well documented. So you can see why I love this cover.